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At Courtlands we take an integrated approach to therapy, aiming to provide a range of strategies that pupils can use to improve
their ability to self-regulate, effectively manage their sensory processing, and balance their emotional regulation. Through this, we
believe that pupils will have a greater possibility to engage in learning, improve their social interaction skills, have a wider access
to the curriculum, potential greater academic success and better future employment possibilities.
Courtlands Therapy Provision Map
ECHP/Internal Assessment Therapists available at the school
Responding to needs set out
in the EHCP or following an Courtlands employs a range of therapists and specialists,
assessment of an identified need including a Speech & Language Therapist and
by the school Occupational Therapist and as the need arises, a
Universal Approach Targeted Approach
Clinical Psychologist, Art Therapist or Play Therapist
Based on the school’s approach Based on a more specific need subject to funding being available from the
to Language and Communication identified in the EHCP delivered
development, a differentiated, by internally trained HLTA’S/ referring Local Authority.
individualised learning package, TA’s following a supervised
and SEND focus delivered by programme set out by one of our
all staff Therapists
Specialist Approach
A programme provided and
delivered for a set period
by a Speech & Language,
Occupational Therapist or
Clinical Psychologist